Zagromin PM 700

Zagromin PM 700 is an optimal mineral premix designed to enhance the health, growth, and overall performance of birds. This carefully crafted blend of essential trace minerals supports vital metabolic functions, boosts immunity, and improves feed efficiency for maximum results.


Zinc (as sulphate) 80.00 g
Manganese (as oxide) 80.00 g
Iron (as sulphate) 60.00 g
Copper (as sulphate) 8.00 g
Iodine (as calcium iodate) 1.00 g
Selenium (as selenite) 0.30 g
Cobalt (as sulphate) 0.10 g
Chromium (as chelated) 0.10 g


  • Prevents Trace Mineral Deficiencies
  • Ensures Optimal Levels of Trace Minerals for Enhanced Growth, Hatchability, and Reproduction
  • Optimizes Feed Efficiency
  • Improves Egg Shell Quality and Overall Poultry Performance

Benefits of Zagromin PM 700:

  • Formulated to meet the specific requirements of Indian poultry breeds
  • Exceptional quality with proven effectiveness
  • Low heavy metal content and cost-effective formulation

Dosage & Administration

For Broiler and Breeder: 
Mix 1-2kg per ton of feed.

For Layer:
Mix 1 kg per ton of feed up to 50 weeks of age.
Mix 1-2 kg per ton of feed above 50 weeks of age


For Veterinary Use Only.


Store in a cool and dry place.
Avoid direct heat and sunlight.
Store away from toxic chemicals.


Zagromin PM 700 is packed in 25 kg bag.