Client Testimonial

Increased quality and size in papaya

Increased quality and size in papaya

Basfoliar® 19:19:19 and Axis 100 worked wonders in his papaya field. “I found that PL Agro fertilizers are the best inputs for my papaya trees. I mainly use Basfoliar® 19:19:19, Axis 100, PL Winner among others. After using these fertilizers the papaya plants grew very healthy and the nutrient deficiencies were reduced. The fruit size was bigger and yield was higher. Apart from the excellent production, during application I noticed that we do not have any blockage in the drip irrigation system, probably because the fertilizers dissolve in water very fast”.

Reduced flower dropping in chilli

Reduced flower dropping in chilli

Mr. Manivel, In his chilli fields has observed heavy immature flower dropping.For that he has used Fetrilon® Combi 2 mixed with PL Winner at flowering stage. After application he has noticed tremendous reduction in flower dropping and an increased fruit set.

Increased flower boldness in Jasmine

Increased flower boldness in Jasmine

Mr. Shanmugam used Formula 15 + and Fetrilon® Combi 2 in his Jasmine field. “Result was immediately visible after using Formula 15 + and Fetrilon® Combi 2. The flower buds is bigger and bolder & their number is also more. Also I observed a very healthy plant growth & higher yield.”