Tiazin 10%

Tiazin is a broad spectrum antibiotic feed powder (Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate), effective to treat and control bacterial infections in poultry and swine.
Tiamulin is highly active against gram-positive organisms such as Streptococci, Staphylococci and Mycoplasma. These pathogenic microorganisms cause respiratory infections in poultry and swine such as pneumonia, swine dysentery, CRD (chronic respiratory disease) in broilers, breeders and layers.

Aside from prevention of infectious diseases, Tiazin also has some growth promoting effect in fatteners and aids in improvement of egg production and feed conversion efficiency of layers and broilers.

Dosage and Administration:
Species / Dosage
Chronic Respiratory Disease / Mix 500 g per ton of feed.
Infectious Coryza & Synovitis / Mix 500 g per ton of feed.
Swine Dysentery (prevention) / Mix 200-300 g per ton of feed.
Swine Dysentery (treatment) / Mix 2 kg per ton of feed.
Swine Pneumonia (prevention) / Mix 1 kg per ton of feed.
Swine Pneumonia (treatment) / Mix 2 kg per ton of feed.
Note: Withdrawal period should be 10 days before slaughtering of animals

Tiazin should not be given when there is an existing medication of Monensin, Narasin and Salinomycin.

Storage Recommendation:
Store in cool and dry condition; protected from direct heat and light.

5 Kg, 10 Kg and 25 Kg